Monday, December 29, 2014

Baking Soda Microderm Abrasion

I travel often for work and different water pH's along with a disruption in routine always does a little damage to my skin. I have found a budget friendly routine I can bring with wherever I go.  My favorite facial scrub is baking soda.  It can be used before or after any cleanser or mixed with your favorite cleanser. When I mix in the baking soda with my cleanser as a way to eliminate steps I just lather my current cleanser in my hands and add baking soda.....scrub scrub scrub! I have sensitive skin and for me it has not irritated or dried my skin out.  Of course-I apply a great moisturizer afterwards.
One of my favorite benefits to using baking soda as an exfoliator is that if I forget costs about $1.00 to pick some more up and I am on my way with my facial routine.
Tip: I store my baking soda in a Tupperware spice shaker.  It keeps the baking soda dry in the shower and travels well also!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas Joy is only true in your heart

This Christmas came and went in a flurry as can be expected, but we had moments that I am still reliving that in hindsight will draw the happy memories to a longer finale.  Our two year old nephew learned that cookie playdo was actually edible and the remaining sugar cookies decorated by his enthusiastic hand just as beautiful as those done at the local store.  Our three year old nephew enjoyed "taking care" of the visiting pets while cuddling with aunt Laura and " wrestling" uncle Nate.  These an many other Christmas blessings is what I remember most as I rethink the last month.. Not the stress that is added financially or the expectations to meet everyone else's expectations.  This is what I fjnd myself praying for most during our celebration of Christ.  Not that I received the gift most wanted or that I found the perfect gift but that my family and those I have never met find a way to extend true Christmas joy through the moments celebrated amongst ourselves and the lasting smiles it brings. 

Monday, December 22, 2014

Why Blog?

As I begin on a life changing path of marriage and hopefully starting a family with the man I love I felt it was time to explore the prioritizing of divvying up my earnings to not only benefit my family but follow what God has intended.  This is a way to share and make fun that journey as it happens in real time. I will share what I learn, where I fail, and hints and tips as I come upon them.  Let's Divvy it up!