Monday, March 16, 2015

Make room when packing for your all natural favs

As someone who comes from a family with history of autoimmune disease, I feel lucky that I have been struggling with some of the things the people I love have. But with the territory often comes other symptoms such as extremely sensitive skin and for me especially -my scalp. I respect and often use the brand Giovanni for both skin and hair but I find even the most sensitive products can sometimes cause irritation. Products I tend to overall shy away from are dry shampoos or powders that claim they add volume. Any of these products within a few hours will irritate my scalp. I have also found that fragrant oils especially those that smell beautiful are also detrimental to my skin. When looking for oils to heal my scalp and increase my hair's shininess I tend to go for neem oil and coconut oil. Aragon oil, along with other fragrant oils, tend to also bring along with them breakouts. Eventhough though expensive, I have found that finding the most natural ingredients with the least amount of fragrance saves my hair, my scalp, my sanity, and my pride. For someone with sensitive skin, I have found that aloe vera, neem oil, shea butter, and cocoa butter in its purest forms are basic wonderful go tos.
        In the spirit of saving money and divvying your budget, I always recommend caving and using the extra space when packing to pack the items you desire, such as your natural products. If you don't do this you'll be like me and have to run to the store to find something to fix and sooth your skin because you attempted to use the products given to you at the local hotel -so save yourself the trip and the hassle and bring them with.

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